

The OCID (Observatory for International Cooperation for Development) is an initiative of Brazil with the aim of providing an information platform on International Cooperation for Development (CID) for the general public.


The OIDC (Observatory of International Development Cooperation) is a Brazilian initiative designed to bring an  information platform on International Development Cooperation (IDC) to the general public.


Provide information concerning international development cooperation, including actors, documents, data sources, terminologies and events.


Provide a platform available in 4 languages with integrated information on IDC practices that can be accessed by public officials, academia and society in general. The Observatory allows cumulative inclusion of information based on criteria designed to ensure standardization in its consultation modules: actors, library, data sources, glossary and events.

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The OIDC library allows access to an assortment of international and domestic documents regarding international cooperation or links to other sites where they can be accessed. These documents include international agreements; regional and multilateral documents; technical documents; manuals; handbooks; academic texts; etc.

The library also has a section that identifies the domestic, international, public and private institutions that provide partnerships and bilateral and multilateral financing for International Development Cooperation, as well as their respective access sources.


This section identifies relevant actors in international cooperation: government agencies from developed and developing countries; regional and multilateral international organizations; NGOs that work with development; “think-tanks”; philanthropic institutions, etc.

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Clarify any doubts about terms or conceptual issues on International Development Cooperation.

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