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Repositório do OCID

Organização Internacional do Trabalho


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pt Organização Internacional do Trabalho
en International Labour Organization
es Organización Internacional del Trabajo
fr Organisation internationale du Travail


en ILO
pt OIT
es OIT
fr OIT


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Título Etiqueta alternativa Classe
South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Global South-South Development Expos: Decent Work Solutions Editora
South-South and Triangular Cooperation: How-To Guide: SSTC and Decent Work Editora
Global South-South Development Expo 2014: South-South cooperation in the Post-2015 Development Editora
South-South good practices for the meeting of Directors of Cooperation Agencies during GSSD 2016: ILO Academy on South-South and Triangular Cooperation Editora
The ILO and the EU, partners for decent work and social justice: Impact of ten years of cooperation Editora
Safety and health at work: Hopes and challenges in development cooperation Editora
European Union- ILO Cooperation Editora
Improving the impact of international labour standards through technical cooperation : a practice guide Editora
Development cooperation internal governance manual Editora
Towards 2030: Effective development cooperation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals Editora
Independent Evaluation of ILO's strategy for Technical Cooperation 2010-2015 Editora
Brazilian Contribution to the ILO’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation Strategy January 2013 to June 2014: An Overview Editora
Mapping the SSE Landscape in India and Brazil through South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Gender-Based Initiatives in Social and Solidarity Economy Editora
South-South and triangular cooperation: BRICS and the ILO: An overview Editora
Global South-South Development Expo 2014 Editora
Good Practices in Promoting Gender Equality in ILO Technical Cooperation Projects Editora
Governing Body's March 2005 Decision on Gender Mainstreaming in ILO Technical Cooperation Editora
European Commission – ILO Development Cooperation Overview Editora
Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation and Decent Work: An ILO perspective Editora
Ringing in a New Era of Development Cooperation Editora
ILO response to the EC Public Consultation "Social Protection in EU Development Cooperation" Editora
Global South-South Development Expo 2016 Editora
C029 - Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (núm. 29) Editora Text
C105 - Convenio sobre la abolición del trabajo forzoso, 1957 (núm. 105) Editora Text
C138 - Convenio sobre la edad mínima, 1973 (núm. 138) Editora Text