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Organização das Nações Unidas


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es Organización de las Naciones Unidas
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Título Etiqueta alternativa Classe
Agenda 21 - United Nations Conference on Environment & Development in Rio de Janerio Editora Text
A/RES/70/1 Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development Editora Text
Almaty programme of action: addressing the special needs of landlocked developing countries within a new global framework for transit transport cooperation for landlocked and transit developing countries Editora Text
A/RES/33/134 United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (Buenos Aires Plan of Action, 1978) Editora Text
TCDC/10/4 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (1997) Editora Text
TCDC/11/3 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United nations development programme (1999) Editora Text
TCDC/8/3 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (1993) Editora Text
TCDC/9/4 - Consideration of reports of the bureau of the high-level Committee and the administrator of the united nations Development programme (1995) Editora Text
Declaração e Plataforma de Ação da IV Conferência Mundial sobre a Mulher Editora Text
Guidelines on cooperation between the United Nations and the business sector Editora Text
TCDC/12/3 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (2001) Editora Text
TCDC/13/2 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (2003) Editora Text
Innovative financing for development Editora Text
TCDC/9/3 - New directions for technical cooperation among developing countries Editora Text
A/RES/64/222 Nairobi outcome document of the high-level United Nations conference on South-South Cooperation Editora Text
TCDC/9/3 - New directions for technical cooperation among developing countries (1995) Editora Text
A/64/504 - Promotion of South-South cooperation for development: a thirty-year perspective Editora Text
DP/2011/39 - Extensions of cooperation frameworks and country programmes Editora Text
DP/2007/30 - Report on the implementation of the third cooperation framework for South-South cooperation (2005-2007) Editora Text
JIU/REP/2018/2 - Progress report on the recommendations contained in the review of South-South and triangular cooperation in the united nations system (jiu/rep/2011/3) Editora Text
DP/2004/26 - Report on the implementation of South-South cooperation Editora Text
A/RES/71/212 - Information and communications technologies for development Editora Text
Repositioning the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda – Ensuring a Better Future for All Editora Text
A/RES/67/226 - Quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system Editora Text
SSC/17/1 - Review of progress in the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action and the new directions strategy for technical cooperation among developing countries Editora Text