SSC/19/2 - Comprehensive proposal on concrete ways to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation as well as the key measures taken to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations support to South South cooperation
SSC/19/2 - Comprehensive proposal on concrete ways to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation as well as the key measures taken to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations support to South South cooperation
The present report, prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 69/239 and 70/222 and decisions 18/1 and 18/IM/1 of the High level Committee on South
South Cooperation, presents comprehensive proposals to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation. The report highlights a number of measures taken or proposed to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations system support to South South cooperation and triangular cooperation and notes areas where the structure and functions of the Office require improvement in order to maximize its development impact in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
South Cooperation, presents comprehensive proposals to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation. The report highlights a number of measures taken or proposed to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations system support to South South cooperation and triangular cooperation and notes areas where the structure and functions of the Office require improvement in order to maximize its development impact in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
p. 13