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Fundo de População das Nações Unidas


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pt Fundo de População das Nações Unidas
en United Nations Population Fund
es Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
fr Fonds des Nations unies pour la population



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Título Etiqueta alternativa Classe
DP/CF/SSC/3/Rev.1 - Third Cooperation Framework for South-South cooperation (2005-2007) Editora Text
Relatório da Conferência Internacional sobre População e Desenvolvimento: Plataforma de Cairo (1994) Editora Text
DP/2011/39 - Extensions of cooperation frameworks and country programmes Editora Text
DP/2007/30 - Report on the implementation of the third cooperation framework for South-South cooperation (2005-2007) Editora Text
DP/2003/14 - Report on the implementation of the second cooperation framework for technical cooperation among developing countries Editora Text
DP/2004/26 - Report on the implementation of South-South cooperation Editora Text
DP/CF/SSC/5 - Strategic framework of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, 2014-2017 Editora Text
DP/CF/SSC/6 - Draft strategic framework of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, 2018-2021 Editora Text
South-South and Triangular Cooperation In Action: Sexual and Reproductive Health Editora
World Reaffirms Cairo: Official Outcomes of the ICPD at Ten Review Editora
ICPD Beyond 2014 High-Level Global Commitments: Implementing the Population and Development Agenda Editora
Realizing the Faith Dividend: Religion, Gender, Peace and Security in Agenda 2030 Editora
International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action: Twentieth Anniversary Edition Editora
DP/CF/TCDC/2 - Second cooperation framework for technical cooperation among developing countries 2001-2003 Editora Text
DP/CF/TCDC/1 - First Cooperation Framework for technical cooperation among Developing Countries 1997-1999 Editora Text
DP/CF/SSC/4/Rev.1 - Draft fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation 2009-2011 Editora Text
Cooperação Sul-Sul em Guiné-Bissau Editora Text
Sumário Executivo | UNFPA na Bahia - Sem Deixar Ninguém para Trás Editora Text
Estado da arte para promoção da dignidade menstrual: avanços, desafios e potencialidades Editora Text
Relatório Situação da População Mundial 2022 Editora Text
UNFPA Strategy for Family Planning, 2022-2030: Expanding Choices – Ensuring Rights in a Diverse and Changing World Editora Text
2021 MHTF Annual Report: Strengthening Health System Resilience in the COVID-19 Era Editora Text
UNFPA Corporate Strategy on South-South and Triangular Cooperation Editora Text
South-South Cooperation as a Mode of Engagement: Innovative Programme Solutions Editora Text
UNFPA Supplies Partnership Annual Report 2021: Setting the Stage for Sustainability Editora Text