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JICA's Approach to the Millennium Development Goals For inclusive and dynamic development




JICA's Approach to the Millennium Development Goals For inclusive and dynamic development


The United Nations Millennium Declaration was adopted during the Millennium Summit held in September 2000, in which 189 countries participated. The Declaration set goals to be achieved by the international community in the 21st century. It reflected the consensus of the international community to work in global partnerships and coordination to address seven issues: (1) peace, security, and disarmament; (2) development and poverty eradication; (3) protecting our common environment; (4) human rights, democracy, and good governance; (5) protecting the vulnerable; (6) meeting the special needs of Africa; and (7) strengthening the United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were then established as a common framework by integrating the Millennium Declaration and the International Development Goals adopted by major UN international conferences and summits in the 1990s.
The MDGs consist of eight goals to be achieved by 2015. In September 2005, five years after the Millennium Declaration, the United Nations hosted the Millenium+5 Summit, attended by over 170 Heads of State, to undertake a comprehensive review of the progress made on efforts proposed in the Declaration, including the MDGs. The Summit’s outcome statement declared the international community’s strong commitment to achieve the development goals based on country ownership and partnerships. In September 2010, with five years remaining before the target year, a UN Summit was held to review progress with the MDGs, and discuss measures to promote achieving them. As a result of this Summit, the following message was shared: “Although there are some disparities among the regions, the MDGs will be achieved by 2015, provided that international society cooperates and makes further efforts in a concerted manner.” The MDGs Follow-up Meeting was held in Japan in June 2011, in order to put this message into a practical form.





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