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Repositório do OCID

Our Commitment to Peace JICA's Approach to Peacebuilding



Our Commitment to Peace JICA's Approach to Peacebuilding


Peacebuilding does not simply mean creating a situation where there is no conflict (negative peace), but where there is no cause of conflict (positive peace) by removing factors that contribute to the eruption of conflicts and establishing a new structure within a society which
contributes to consolidation of peace.
International peacebuilding assistance is composed of different frameworks that include; military (ex. multinational forces and PKO), political (ex. preventive diplomacy, mediation, reconciliation), and economic and social (ex. humanitarian assistance, development assistance); and these are supported by different actors.
Conventional understandings assumed that different actors engage themselves in different phases in a chronological order from the phase of heightened tension before the conflict, to the phases of reconstruction and development after the conflict. However, in recent years, different actors are expected to engage simultaneously in every phase with a view to preventing conflicts from becoming more protracted and recurring.





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