The Quality of Reviews and Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation
The Quality of Reviews and Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation
This meta-evaluation examines a set of reviews and decentralised evaluations2 conducted in 2014 by various arms of the Norwegian aid administration. It draws on a Mapping Study in 2015 that assembled a set of 274 review reports covering the period 2012–15.3
These reports were conducted by different entities of the Norwegian aid administration including the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Norwegian embassies abroad.4
The MFA and Norad’s Grant Management Manual (GMM) defines a review as ‘a thorough assessment with focus on the implementation and follow-up of plans’, which may be undertaken underway (mid-term review) or after finalisation to assess the effect of the programme/project (end review). Guidance for why, when and how to undertake reviews is given in the GMM and further requirements are specified in the rules for each grant scheme.5
These reports were conducted by different entities of the Norwegian aid administration including the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Norwegian embassies abroad.4
The MFA and Norad’s Grant Management Manual (GMM) defines a review as ‘a thorough assessment with focus on the implementation and follow-up of plans’, which may be undertaken underway (mid-term review) or after finalisation to assess the effect of the programme/project (end review). Guidance for why, when and how to undertake reviews is given in the GMM and further requirements are specified in the rules for each grant scheme.5