Can We Demonstrate the Difference that Norwegian Aid Makes?
Can We Demonstrate the Difference that Norwegian Aid Makes?
This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations from a study into the reasons why grants supported by the Norwegian Aid Administration are proving difficult to evaluate and therefore why it is hard to judge how successful Norway’s aid programme is.
Analysis by Norad’s Evaluation Department (EVAL) in 2011 found that none of the reports on grants that were evaluated could reach firm conclusions about the results being achieved. Reports showed well what money was being spent and what direct activities or services were being delivered. But critical questions about whether those services gave rise to real benefits for poor people and other target groups proved elusive.
This evaluation was framed around a series of questions, with hypotheses that could be tested: were the arrangements for planning results in grants adequately designed and specified; were staff adequately trained to manage for results in grant management; were policies and systems correctly implemented when grants were approved? The study also checked to see if problems were arising in the way EVAL designed and managed evaluations: did EVAL ensure evaluation designs placed an appropriate emphasis on measuring results; and were consultants recruited to evaluate sufficiently competent?
Analysis by Norad’s Evaluation Department (EVAL) in 2011 found that none of the reports on grants that were evaluated could reach firm conclusions about the results being achieved. Reports showed well what money was being spent and what direct activities or services were being delivered. But critical questions about whether those services gave rise to real benefits for poor people and other target groups proved elusive.
This evaluation was framed around a series of questions, with hypotheses that could be tested: were the arrangements for planning results in grants adequately designed and specified; were staff adequately trained to manage for results in grant management; were policies and systems correctly implemented when grants were approved? The study also checked to see if problems were arising in the way EVAL designed and managed evaluations: did EVAL ensure evaluation designs placed an appropriate emphasis on measuring results; and were consultants recruited to evaluate sufficiently competent?