KOICA's Mid-term Strategy for Development Cooperation 2016 -2020
KOICA's Mid-term Strategy for Development Cooperation 2016 -2020
In September 2015, the heads of states and world leaders who gathered at the United Nations Development Summit formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to fight against poverty, resolve inequalities and promote socio-economic development across the globe.
As a compass to guide the world toward development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) epitomize overarching global challenges and ambitious solutions into 17 global goals and 169 targets in sync with our common values, universality, inclusiveness and equality. In recognition of the need for broad-based efforts realize the SDGs, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has worked to develop strategies to maximize its contributions to the SDGs. It is in this context that KOICA has put together KOICA’s Mid-Term Sectoral Strategy 2016-2020 to present its vision,mission and strategic objectives based upon the analysis of its past achievements and future goals.
“KOICA’s Mid-Term Sectoral Strategy 2016-2020” outlines its strategic objectives and programs in five priority sectors (Education, Health, Governance,Agriculture & Rural development, Technology and Environment & Energy) as well as in two cross-cutting areas (Gender equality and Climate change response). As Technology, Environment & Energy is sub-categorized into four specific sectors (①Water, ②Transportation, ③Energy, ④Science,Technology and Innovation)
As a compass to guide the world toward development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) epitomize overarching global challenges and ambitious solutions into 17 global goals and 169 targets in sync with our common values, universality, inclusiveness and equality. In recognition of the need for broad-based efforts realize the SDGs, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has worked to develop strategies to maximize its contributions to the SDGs. It is in this context that KOICA has put together KOICA’s Mid-Term Sectoral Strategy 2016-2020 to present its vision,mission and strategic objectives based upon the analysis of its past achievements and future goals.
“KOICA’s Mid-Term Sectoral Strategy 2016-2020” outlines its strategic objectives and programs in five priority sectors (Education, Health, Governance,Agriculture & Rural development, Technology and Environment & Energy) as well as in two cross-cutting areas (Gender equality and Climate change response). As Technology, Environment & Energy is sub-categorized into four specific sectors (①Water, ②Transportation, ③Energy, ④Science,Technology and Innovation)