KOICA Annual Report 2015
KOICA Annual Report 2015
Development Goals (SDGs), which were designed to serve as a new set of development goals for the next 15 years, and agreed to join forces to achieve the goals. In an effort to realize the Development Cooperation Initiative shared by President Park Geun-hye at the summit to contribute to the accomplishment of SDGs, KOICA introduced and has remained dedicated to the Five SDGs Brand Programs: inclusive and sustainable rural community development (Saemaeul Movement), the improvement of quality of life for girls, the creation of a world where everyone is safe from infectious diseases, technological innovation for a better life, and climate-friendly development. KOICA is also striving to foster the Saemaeul Movement into a globally recognized asset that induces the progress of rural communities in less developed countries, and thus organized a Saemaeul special conference in collaboration with the Korean government, UNDP, and OECD. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and KOICA UN Sustainable Development Summit, and KOICA’s Five SDGs Brand Programs KOICA has established the KOICA Mid- and Long-Term Strategies in accordance with its vision “to serve as a development cooperation platform that contributes to the realization of SDGs in less developed countries” and set up a 3-year (2015-2017) mid-term management plan to push ahead with these strategies. The formation of a development cooperation platform is aimed at redefining KOICA’s role and future directions in preparation for the post-2015 system.
KOICA is striving to operate as a development cooperation platform that enhances the well-being of all people around the globe by helping relevant organizations create greater synergy, guiding recipient countries to achieve the preset goals through mutually beneficial projects, providing support for individuals and companies in Korea to make inroads into other countries, and contributing to global partnerships.
KOICA is striving to operate as a development cooperation platform that enhances the well-being of all people around the globe by helping relevant organizations create greater synergy, guiding recipient countries to achieve the preset goals through mutually beneficial projects, providing support for individuals and companies in Korea to make inroads into other countries, and contributing to global partnerships.