A cooperação portuguesa 2005-2010
A cooperação portuguesa 2005-2010
Over the past five years, Portuguese Development Co-operation evolved in the context of an international agenda aimed at improving both the quantity and the quality of aid. Alongside with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2000, there were pledges on financing for Development (Monterrey 2002 and Doha 2008), Aid Effectiveness (2005 Paris Declaration and 2008 Accra Agenda for Action) and support to climate change adaptation and mitigation (Copenhagen 2009).
At national level, Portuguese Co-operation has been guided by the policy document A Strategic Vision for Portuguese Development Co‑operation, which was adopted by the Government in 2005 and sets the principles and priorities for Portugal’s aid. Bilateral aid represents nearly 60% of total Official Development Assistance (ODA).
This aid is allocated according to Portugal’s comparative advantages, which are mostly dictated by historical ties resulting in close socio-economic relationships, partners using Portuguese as an official language and partners’ legal systems similar to the Portuguese one
At national level, Portuguese Co-operation has been guided by the policy document A Strategic Vision for Portuguese Development Co‑operation, which was adopted by the Government in 2005 and sets the principles and priorities for Portugal’s aid. Bilateral aid represents nearly 60% of total Official Development Assistance (ODA).
This aid is allocated according to Portugal’s comparative advantages, which are mostly dictated by historical ties resulting in close socio-economic relationships, partners using Portuguese as an official language and partners’ legal systems similar to the Portuguese one
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