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SAIDC Annual Report 2016



SAIDC Annual Report 2016


Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) is a non– profit organization of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia.
Its mission is to manage the implementation of official development assistance of the Slovak Republic in compliance with programming and conception documents prepared by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, binding documents of the European Union (EU), United Nations Organization and OECD and their international commitments.
The SAIDC S is set down by §5 of the Act No. 392/2015 Coll. on Official Development Assistance and Supplement and amendment to individual acts. Pursuant this act, the main activities of the organization include in
• Implementation of development cooperation including humanitarian aid, raising public awareness, enhancement of development, education and capacity building via grants, financial allocations, and by placing orders or using other tools on the basis of the government decision
• Cooperation with the institutions functioning in the area of
development assistance in Slovakia and abroad
• Cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the
Slovak Republic while creating strategies and other conceptual
• Monitoring and checking the implementation of development projects
• Providing updates on the activities of development assistance via web
SAIDC provides official development assistance according to the fundamental rules and principles which are in accordance with the foreign policy priorities of the Slovak Republic and in line with the principles of the international development policy, mainly with the development policy of the European Union and the Agenda for the sustainable development after 2015 (We are transforming our world: Agenda 2030 for sustainable





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