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Turkish Development Assistance Report 2019



Turkish Development Assistance Report 2019


Turkey continues its development cooperation efforts within the bounds of possibility in many countries of the world without making any distinction. The Turkish Type Development Model, which can be summarized as human-oriented, empathetic to local sensitivities, creating opportunities and sustaining them in all human aspects, is carried out by about 150 public/private institutions as well as the NGOs and private sector
organizations in direction with the requests from countries where the aid is provided. Total Turkish Development Assistance for 2019 has been recorded as 9.371,77 million dollars.
Official Flows of 8.806 million dollars is composed of Official Development Assistance amounting to 8.666 million dollars and Other Official Flows amounting to 140 million dollars. Private Flows is recorded as 564
million dollars which included private sector flows of 215 million dollars and NGO flows of 349 million dollars. Bilateral Official Development Assistance of 8.468 million dollars and Support to International Organizations of 197 million dollars make up the total amount of Official Development Assistance recorded. Turkey stands out as over 500 million dollars of assistance by private sector and non-governmental organizations. NGOs’ assistance of 349,05 million dollars shows our nation’s generosity whereas 215 million dollars of Turkish private sector investment points out an interest to developing countries.
Turkey has kept its position of being the most generous country of the world in 2019, being at the top of the list in terms Official Development Assistance committed as a percentage of its national income recorded as %1.15. Turkey has been continuing to be the conscience of the world, and finds itself as the world leader with the highest amount humanitarian assistance provided in 2019.





pt Inglês

Cobertura Geográfica

pt Turquia
