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Escritório das Nações Unidas para a Cooperação Sul-Sul


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pt Escritório das Nações Unidas para a Cooperação Sul-Sul
en United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation
es Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Cooperación Sur-Sur
fr Bureau des Nations Unies pour la coopération Sud-Sud



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Título Etiqueta alternativa Classe
SSC/19/2 - Comprehensive proposal on concrete ways to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation as well as the key measures taken to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations support to South South cooperation Editora Text
SSC/14/2 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (2005) Editora Text
SSC/15/2 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (2007) Editora Text
SSC/18/2 - Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South South and triangular cooperation (2014) Editora Text
SSC/17/2 - Consideration of reports of the administrator of the United Nations development programme (2012) Editora Text
SSC/19/3 - Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South South and triangular cooperation (2016) Editora Text
Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development — Vol. 2 Editora Text
SSC/17/3 - Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and triangular cooperation (2012) Editora Text
SSC/18/3 - Measures to further strengthen the United Nations office for South South cooperation Editora Text
A/60/39 - Report of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation Editora Text
SSC/17/1 - Review of progress in the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action and the new directions strategy for technical cooperation among developing countries Editora Text
TCDC/9/3 - New Directions for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Editora
Revised Guidelines for the Review of Policies and Procedures Concerning Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Editora
A/64/L.37 - Nairobi Outcome Document of the United Nations High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation Editora
SSC/19/3 - Framework of Operational Guidelines on United Nations Support to South-South Cooperation Editora
SSC/19/2 - Comprehensive proposal on concrete ways to enhance the role and impact of the United Nations Office for SouthSouth Cooperation as well as the key measures taken to improve the coordination and coherence of United Nations support to South-South cooperation Editora Text
SSC/19/3 -Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and triangular cooperation Editora Text
SSC/17/3 -Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and triangular cooperation Editora Text
A/76/39 - Relatório do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul (2021) Editora Text
A/71/39 - Relatório do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul (2016) Editora Text
A/69/39 - Relatório do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul (2014) Editora Text
SSC/17/IM/L.2 - Relatório sobre a reunião inter-sessões do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul Editora Text
A/65/39 - Relatório do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul (2010) Editora Text
A/62/39 - Relatório do Comitê de Alto Nível sobre a cooperação Sul-Sul (2007) Editora Text
Título Etiqueta alternativa Classe
Global South-South Development Expo 2022 Instituição produtora Event