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Repositório do OCID

SSC/18/3 - Measures to further strengthen the United Nations office for South South cooperation



SSC/18/3 - Measures to further strengthen the United Nations office for South South cooperation


The present report has been prepared in compliance with decisions 17/1 and 17/IM/1 of the High level Committee on South South Cooperation, in which it requested the Secretary General to present to t he Committee at its eighteenth session concrete recommendations for strengthening the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation, including its responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, as appropriate, to enable it to support the mainstreaming of South South cooperation across the United Nations development system. The report also responds to General Assembly resolution 68/230 , exploring potential options for the optimal location of the United Na tions Office for South South Cooperation. It is recommended, in line with the relevant General Assembly resolutions that have all called for the further strengthening of the Office within the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), that UNDP continue to serve as institutional host to the United Nations Office for South South Cooperation.






12 p.