International Expert Meeting on the Measurement of South-South cooperation
International Expert Meeting on the Measurement of South-South cooperation
The first Expert Meeting on the Measurement of South-South cooperation, organized by UNCTAD and hosted by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) from Brazil, in association with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE), is planned to be held in Brasília, Brazil, from 11 to 13 July 2023, as a hybrid event (in person and online).
The UN Statistical Commission, at its 53rd session1 adopted SDG indicator 17.3.1, on “additional financial resources mobilized for developing countries from multiple sources”, and requested UNCTAD and OECD to act as co-custodians of the indicator. The Commission also welcomed the development of an initial framework to measure South-South cooperation to inform this indicator and “requested that further work on this, including on global reporting and capacity building, be enabled by UNCTAD's co-custodianship and led by countries from the global South, building on country-led mechanisms, and included under indicator 17.3.1 in the future” and “invited countries involved in South-South cooperation to work closely with UNCTAD”.
The UN Statistical Commission, at its 53rd session1 adopted SDG indicator 17.3.1, on “additional financial resources mobilized for developing countries from multiple sources”, and requested UNCTAD and OECD to act as co-custodians of the indicator. The Commission also welcomed the development of an initial framework to measure South-South cooperation to inform this indicator and “requested that further work on this, including on global reporting and capacity building, be enabled by UNCTAD's co-custodianship and led by countries from the global South, building on country-led mechanisms, and included under indicator 17.3.1 in the future” and “invited countries involved in South-South cooperation to work closely with UNCTAD”.
Local do Evento
July 11, 2023
July 13, 2023